WELCOME TO ONRAY CONTRUCCTION Construct your dream in the best way with us! We have been in the industry for over 9 years, and with that, we have come to an understanding that construction is an ever-evolving platform. From the stone age to the skyscrapers we have today, there has been a lot of alterations when it comes to construction. We cater to our clients based on their requirements because we understand that one-size-fits-all is not a concept we can follow in construction. Read More Contact Us Onray Construction Construction Company Construct your dream in the best way with us! We are here to provide the best construction solutions to our clients. Read More Contact Us


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto magni mollitia odit quis quisquam sunt suscipit tempora! Deleniti eius neque numquam velit voluptatum! Ad consequuntur, cum expedita harum rerum sint tempora veniam voluptatem!

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Tiling and Painting

Tiling and Painting

Final touches of a building are what makes it complete. Tiles and paint are the exterior faces of the building. Therefore, it is vital that your house has tiling and painting appropriately done. Onray Construction ensures that your tiling and painting projects are done with utmost care and efficiency.

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General Contracting

General Contracting

This is one of our most wanted services and the most versatile. We provide suitable building materials, labor, equipment, vehicles, and tools necessary for construction. We have excellent subcontractors for each part of the project, and we ensure our clients get their value for money.

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Contract Types

Contract Types

Ab alias architecto, autem cupiditate dolor dolores error esse ex obcaecati optio quos repellendus repudiandae sint sit temporibus vero, voluptas! Aliquam, aliquid corporis error illo iure laboriosam laudantium possimus ratione sed voluptate? Odio.

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Laminate Flooring

Laminate Flooring

Laminated floors are one of the construction industry’s modern techniques. It has gained so much popularity over the past few years. We at Onray Construction are experts in laminate flooring. We have the right expertise, tools, and know-how to make your floor look like it is laminated!

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House Renovation

House Renovation

Do you want your old house to be renovated? Onray Construction has all the relevant expertise to renovate old buildings and homes in a modern, efficient, and cost-effective manner.

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Our Ongoing Projects
Our Ongoing Projects
Architecture, Buildings
Architecture, Buildings, Decoration, Renovation
Tiling and Painting
Tiling and Painting
Architecture, Buildings, Decoration, Renovation
Laminate Flooring 
Laminate Flooring 
Buildings, Decoration
Special Projects
Special Projects
Architecture, Decoration

Construct your dream in the best way with us!

Our central operations team has expert communication and operational methods to ensure our plans are put to work smoothly. From the start to the end, our projects operate through our operations team, delegating, and instructing how the project should go. Our operations include budgeting, presenting, timelining, and evaluating the construction projects efficiently, so our clients can have the best construction solution from us.
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